ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 852888

Questions 5
Words ecstatic, incidental, insinuate, obnoxious, rancorous

Study Guide

The definition for ecstatic is "Overwhelmingly emotional." Used in a sentence: They were ecstatic when their team won the championship game in the last second.
The definition for incidental is "Minor." Used in a sentence: The accountant advised Justine not to report her incidental expenses.
The definition for insinuate is "To suggest indirectly." Used in a sentence: Sinead, who did not like confrontation, insinuated that Beth was lying.
The definition for obnoxious is "Highly offensive." Used in a sentence: The manager asked the obnoxious diner to leave the restaurant.
The definition for rancorous is "Marked by deep ill–will." Used in a sentence: The rancorous competition between the two chess clubs actually ended in a brawl.