ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 348233

Questions 5
Words avian, corrosive, duplicity, implement, nurture

Study Guide

The definition for avian is "Relating to birds." Used in a sentence: The old man affectionately referred to pigeons as his "avian friends."
The definition for corrosive is "Bitingly sarcastic." Used in a sentence: The cruel Estella's corrosive comments made Pip cry.
The definition for duplicity is "Deceptive thought, speech, or action." Used in a sentence: The life of an undercover detective is filed with necessary duplicity.
The definition for implement is "To carry out or accomplish." Used in a sentence: All Randolph needed to implement his plan was a moonless night and a long rope.
The definition for nurture is "To further the development of." Used in a sentence: Our cat made a nest of blankets to nurture her newborn kittens.