ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 864903

Questions 5
Words demean, exasperation, mediate, perception, untenable

Study Guide

The definition for demean is "To lower status." Used in a sentence: The embarrassing photograph demeaned the candidate in the eyes of the voters.
The definition for exasperation is "The state of being irritated." Used in a sentence: The longer Jorge waited in line at the ticket counter, the more his exasperation grew.
The definition for mediate is "To come between parties in order to reconcile." Used in a sentence: The diplomatic Henry was able to mediate between the quarreling sisters.
The definition for perception is "Capacity for seeing or understanding." Used in a sentence: His incredible perception made him the best detective on the force.
The definition for untenable is "Not able to be defended." Used in a sentence: Rashid made the untenable statement that George Washington was the second president of the United States.