ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 6716

Questions 5
Words apathetic, extant, fidelity, foil, serenity

Study Guide

The definition for apathetic is "Showing little or no emotion." Used in a sentence: Carmine was concerned about his usually cheerful brother's apathetic attitude.
The definition for extant is "Currently existing." Used in a sentence: Some consider Clint Eastwood the greatest extant American director.
The definition for fidelity is "State of being faithful." Used in a sentence: Unlike her fickle friend Benji, May Belle was known for her fidelity.
The definition for foil is "One that enhances or underscores by contrast." Used in a sentence: The sweet cookie was a perfect foil to the sour lemon sorbet.
The definition for serenity is "Calmness." Used in a sentence: The serenity of the glassy sea soothed the sailors after the big storm.