ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 835024

Questions 5
Words colossal, fraud, immoderate, rancorous, scapegoat

Study Guide

The definition for colossal is "Immense, enormous." Used in a sentence: After pushing with all his might, Frank realized he could never move the colossal boulder.
The definition for fraud is "Trick." Used in a sentence: The con man's fraud involved selling swampland to gullible investors.
The definition for immoderate is "Beyond usual or proper limits." Used in a sentence: Bob's immoderate appetite shocked the guests at the wedding banquet.
The definition for rancorous is "Marked by deep ill–will." Used in a sentence: The rancorous competition between the two chess clubs actually ended in a brawl.
The definition for scapegoat is "Someone who bears the blame for others." Used in a sentence: Audrey used her innocent baby brother as a scapegoat for the missing cookies.