ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 276223

Questions 5
Words elusive, flaunt, illuminate, intricate, rehash

Study Guide

The definition for elusive is "Hard to grasp." Used in a sentence: The words to the song are elusive, as the singer tends to mumble.
The definition for flaunt is "To display showily." Used in a sentence: Sheila, who could not resist bragging, flaunted the "A" marked on her test paper.
The definition for illuminate is "To make clear." Used in a sentence: Her excellent lecture illuminated the complicated subject of nuclear physics.
The definition for intricate is "Having complex and interrelated parts." Used in a sentence: The intricate poem baffled most readers with its numerous obscure metaphors.
The definition for rehash is "To discuss again." Used in a sentence: "Sandra," said her mother, "I am tired of rehashing this same topic over and over."