ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 651836

Questions 5
Words avian, derelict, extant, mediate, penurious

Study Guide

The definition for avian is "Relating to birds." Used in a sentence: The old man affectionately referred to pigeons as his "avian friends."
The definition for derelict is "Abandoned." Used in a sentence: The derelict house was condemned as a public hazard.
The definition for extant is "Currently existing." Used in a sentence: Some consider Clint Eastwood the greatest extant American director.
The definition for mediate is "To come between parties in order to reconcile." Used in a sentence: The diplomatic Henry was able to mediate between the quarreling sisters.
The definition for penurious is "Extrememly stingy." Used in a sentence: Ebenezer Scrooge was most penurious, refusing to give even a penny to charity.