ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 12241

Questions 5
Words brandish, eloquent, extol, gravity, melodious

Study Guide

The definition for brandish is "To shake or wave menacingly." Used in a sentence: The baseball player was fined for brandishing his bat at the opposing pitcher.
The definition for eloquent is "Fluent, expressive." Used in a sentence: Kim, an eloquent speaker, was the best choice to make the presentation for the group.
The definition for extol is "To praise highly." Used in a sentence: The statesman extolled the ambassador who single–handedly negotiated the peace treaty.
The definition for gravity is "Importance, significance." Used in a sentence: Understanding the gravity of his error, Ken offered his humblest apology.
The definition for melodious is "Having a pleasing melody." Used in a sentence: The melodious sounds of the symphony soothed Tim after his trying day.