ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 824122

Questions 5
Words abate, exception, indecorous, negate, prominence

Study Guide

The definition for abate is "Become less in amount or intensity." Used in a sentence: Just when it seemed the rain would never stop, the storm suddenly began to abate.
The definition for exception is "A case to which the rule does not apply." Used in a sentence: The teacher made an exception and let Gina eat her snack in class.
The definition for indecorous is "In bad taste." Used in a sentence: My parents banned Chad from our house because of his indecorous behavior at dinner.
The definition for negate is "To make invalid." Used in a sentence: Paula negated Tiffany's argument by proving that her main premise was false.
The definition for prominence is "Importance." Used in a sentence: The singer's prominence ensured that the concert would sell out.