ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 465515

Questions 5
Words beneficial, duplicity, gargantuan, gruff, nurture

Study Guide

The definition for beneficial is "Helpful." Used in a sentence: there is no doubt that eating vegetables is beneficial to one's health.
The definition for duplicity is "Deceptive thought, speech, or action." Used in a sentence: The life of an undercover detective is filed with necessary duplicity.
The definition for gargantuan is "Gigantic." Used in a sentence: The gargantuan monster towered over the ten–story bulding.
The definition for gruff is "Rough or stern in manner or speech." Used in a sentence: Heidi's grandfather was gruff, barking stern orders and hardly smiling.
The definition for nurture is "To further the development of." Used in a sentence: Our cat made a nest of blankets to nurture her newborn kittens.