ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 897647

Questions 5
Words corroborate, egotist, equitable, eulogy, immoderate

Study Guide

The definition for corroborate is "To support with evidence." Used in a sentence: "Unless you can corroborate your story, it will not be admissible in court," the attorney told his client.
The definition for egotist is "Self–important person." Used in a sentence: Darren dreaded carpooling with the egotist Shelly, who talked about herself nonstop.
The definition for equitable is "Fair and equal." Used in a sentence: The judge made an equitable decision dividing the estate evenly among the sisters.
The definition for eulogy is "Speech or writing in praise of deceased." Used in a sentence: Ernesto delivered a moving eulogy at his uncle's funeral.
The definition for immoderate is "Beyond usual or proper limits." Used in a sentence: Bob's immoderate appetite shocked the guests at the wedding banquet.