ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 27034

Questions 5
Words benevolent, buffer, fidelity, intricate, placebo

Study Guide

The definition for benevolent is "Kind, helpful." Used in a sentence: Sherman revealed his benevolent side when he offered to help Carter with his homework.
The definition for buffer is "Protective barrier." Used in a sentence: The dense trees acted as a buffer against the heavy rain.
The definition for fidelity is "State of being faithful." Used in a sentence: Unlike her fickle friend Benji, May Belle was known for her fidelity.
The definition for intricate is "Having complex and interrelated parts." Used in a sentence: The intricate poem baffled most readers with its numerous obscure metaphors.
The definition for placebo is "An inactive substance used in medical testing." Used in a sentence: Tom, who had taken the placebo, found that his allergy symptoms did not go away.