ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 549521

Questions 5
Words dubious, gravity, iridescent, rail, rancorous

Study Guide

The definition for dubious is "Questionable." Used in a sentence: Karl found Kevin's claim that he was sick dubious, as he had just seen him playing football.
The definition for gravity is "Importance, significance." Used in a sentence: Understanding the gravity of his error, Ken offered his humblest apology.
The definition for iridescent is "Having a lustrous or attractivve quality." Used in a sentence: The movie star's iridescent presence charmed even the hardened reporter.
The definition for rail is "To scold in harsh language." Used in a sentence: Clay began to cry as his irate manager railed at him for missing the deadline.
The definition for rancorous is "Marked by deep ill–will." Used in a sentence: The rancorous competition between the two chess clubs actually ended in a brawl.