ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 234918

Questions 5
Words archaic, commemorate, intricate, melodious, oblivious

Study Guide

The definition for archaic is "Characteristic of an earlier time." Used in a sentence: In the world of high fashion, two–year–old shoes are considered positively archaic.
The definition for commemorate is "To mark by a ceremony." Used in a sentence: Each year, the Franklins commemorate their anniversary by visiting the site of their first date.
The definition for intricate is "Having complex and interrelated parts." Used in a sentence: The intricate poem baffled most readers with its numerous obscure metaphors.
The definition for melodious is "Having a pleasing melody." Used in a sentence: The melodious sounds of the symphony soothed Tim after his trying day.
The definition for oblivious is "Lacking awareness." Used in a sentence: Love–struck Charlie was oblivious to everyone but the object of his affection.