ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 322442

Questions 5
Words accentuate, anthology, melodious, proximity, turpitude

Study Guide

The definition for accentuate is "To emphasize." Used in a sentence: Carla used red ribbons to accentuate the coppery tones in her hair.
The definition for anthology is "A collection of selected literary pieces." Used in a sentence: The writer was thrilled when his story was included in an anthology of American masterpieces.
The definition for melodious is "Having a pleasing melody." Used in a sentence: The melodious sounds of the symphony soothed Tim after his trying day.
The definition for proximity is "Closeness." Used in a sentence: The proximity of Tia's house to school meant that she could walk there in five minutes.
The definition for turpitude is "Essential baseness, depravity." Used in a sentence: The turpitude of the villain in the movie offended most audiences.