ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 439544

Questions 5
Words accessible, cunning, embellish, extenuating, incidental

Study Guide

The definition for accessible is "Easy to reach or to approach." Used in a sentence: The introduction to the complex novel was, thankfully, written in clear accessible language.
The definition for cunning is "Showing clever insight." Used in a sentence: The general devised a cunning strategy to outfox the enemy.
The definition for embellish is "To decorate." Used in a sentence: Sari embellished the plain curtains with satin ribbons and tassels.
The definition for extenuating is "Partially excusing." Used in a sentence: The extenuating circumstance of Calvin's illness caused the teacher to excuse his lateness.
The definition for incidental is "Minor." Used in a sentence: The accountant advised Justine not to report her incidental expenses.