ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 318832

Questions 5
Words conduit, hedonism, induce, iridescent, ploy

Study Guide

The definition for conduit is "Means for transmitting or distributing." Used in a sentence: Jason, a notorious gossip, was a conduit for information about his friends.
The definition for hedonism is "Belief that pleasure is the sole aim of life." Used in a sentence: The hedonism of the emperoro, who spent all his time giving parties, caused his downfall.
The definition for induce is "To influence or cause." Used in a sentence: The loud blast of the cannon induced an avalanche.
The definition for iridescent is "Having a lustrous or attractivve quality." Used in a sentence: The movie star's iridescent presence charmed even the hardened reporter.
The definition for ploy is "A contrived plan." Used in a sentence: Sarah thought George's ploy of borrowing her notes was a cowardly way to ask her out.