ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 789931

Questions 5
Words beneficial, genial, refurbish, retroactive, straddle

Study Guide

The definition for beneficial is "Helpful." Used in a sentence: there is no doubt that eating vegetables is beneficial to one's health.
The definition for genial is "Sympathetic, friendly." Used in a sentence: The genial host warmly greeted his many guests.
The definition for refurbish is "To brighten or freshen." Used in a sentence: Leeanne cleaned and mended all weekend to refurbish the shabby apartment.
The definition for retroactive is "effective as of a prior time or condition." Used in a sentence: The retroactive law made even past infractions punishable.
The definition for straddle is "To favor opposing sides." Used in a sentence: Kia straddled the issue, not wanting to say whether James or Tara was right.