ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 732312

Questions 5
Words accentuate, ecstatic, naive, nurture, proximity

Study Guide

The definition for accentuate is "To emphasize." Used in a sentence: Carla used red ribbons to accentuate the coppery tones in her hair.
The definition for ecstatic is "Overwhelmingly emotional." Used in a sentence: They were ecstatic when their team won the championship game in the last second.
The definition for naive is "Lacking worldy wisdom." Used in a sentence: The naive Simon assumed that everyone was as simple and kind as he was.
The definition for nurture is "To further the development of." Used in a sentence: Our cat made a nest of blankets to nurture her newborn kittens.
The definition for proximity is "Closeness." Used in a sentence: The proximity of Tia's house to school meant that she could walk there in five minutes.