ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 837762

Questions 5
Words brandish, clairvoyance, distortion, egotist, perception

Study Guide

The definition for brandish is "To shake or wave menacingly." Used in a sentence: The baseball player was fined for brandishing his bat at the opposing pitcher.
The definition for clairvoyance is "Ability to see things beyond ordinary perception." Used in a sentence: Rosa used her clairvoyance to help Alexander find his lost keys.
The definition for distortion is "The act of twisting out of shape." Used in a sentence: The story about the actress in the gossip column was a distortion of the truth.
The definition for egotist is "Self–important person." Used in a sentence: Darren dreaded carpooling with the egotist Shelly, who talked about herself nonstop.
The definition for perception is "Capacity for seeing or understanding." Used in a sentence: His incredible perception made him the best detective on the force.