ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 974543

Questions 5
Words cunning, exalt, pallid, redouble, revive

Study Guide

The definition for cunning is "Showing clever insight." Used in a sentence: The general devised a cunning strategy to outfox the enemy.
The definition for exalt is "To elevate by praise." Used in a sentence: The fireman was publicly exalted for his heroism.
The definition for pallid is "Lacking color." Used in a sentence: The nurse was worried by the patient's pallid face and shallow breathing.
The definition for redouble is "To make twice as great." Used in a sentence: As the sun began to set, Brittany redoubled her effort to find the necklace she had dropped in the field.
The definition for revive is "To bring back to life." Used in a sentence: Hank tried to revive Clare's interest in the project, but her enthusiasm had expired.