ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 927039

Questions 5
Words absolve, anthology, corrective, demeanor, preclude

Study Guide

The definition for absolve is "To forgive; to free from guilt." Used in a sentence: Marta felt greatly relieved after her mother absolved her for breaking the vase.
The definition for anthology is "A collection of selected literary pieces." Used in a sentence: The writer was thrilled when his story was included in an anthology of American masterpieces.
The definition for corrective is "Intended to correct." Used in a sentence: The school decided to take corrective measures to prevent truancy.
The definition for demeanor is "Behavior towards others." Used in a sentence: Carlos was well liked because of his charming demeanor.
The definition for preclude is "To rule out in advance." Used in a sentence: "Having cake now will preclude dessert later," said Amber's mother.