ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 465150

Questions 5
Words anthology, duplicity, eloquent, fraud, inflammatory

Study Guide

The definition for anthology is "A collection of selected literary pieces." Used in a sentence: The writer was thrilled when his story was included in an anthology of American masterpieces.
The definition for duplicity is "Deceptive thought, speech, or action." Used in a sentence: The life of an undercover detective is filed with necessary duplicity.
The definition for eloquent is "Fluent, expressive." Used in a sentence: Kim, an eloquent speaker, was the best choice to make the presentation for the group.
The definition for fraud is "Trick." Used in a sentence: The con man's fraud involved selling swampland to gullible investors.
The definition for inflammatory is "Tending to excite anger." Used in a sentence: Garth's inflammatory remarks at the party made Gwen furious.