ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 895513

Questions 5
Words diffident, duplicity, equitable, flourish, prominence

Study Guide

The definition for diffident is "Lacking self–confidence." Used in a sentence: The diffident student never raised her hand in class, even when she knew the answer.
The definition for duplicity is "Deceptive thought, speech, or action." Used in a sentence: The life of an undercover detective is filed with necessary duplicity.
The definition for equitable is "Fair and equal." Used in a sentence: The judge made an equitable decision dividing the estate evenly among the sisters.
The definition for flourish is "To make bold, sweeping gestures." Used in a sentence: The fairy godmother flourished her wand and turned the pumpkin into a carriage.
The definition for prominence is "Importance." Used in a sentence: The singer's prominence ensured that the concert would sell out.