ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 457396

Questions 5
Words buffer, incumbent, mandate, placebo, rehash

Study Guide

The definition for buffer is "Protective barrier." Used in a sentence: The dense trees acted as a buffer against the heavy rain.
The definition for incumbent is "Necessary as a duty or responsibility." Used in a sentence: It was incumbent on Jack to attend his father's retirement party.
The definition for mandate is "An official order or commission to do something." Used in a sentence: Martha reluctantly obeyed the mandate to vacate her apartment.
The definition for placebo is "An inactive substance used in medical testing." Used in a sentence: Tom, who had taken the placebo, found that his allergy symptoms did not go away.
The definition for rehash is "To discuss again." Used in a sentence: "Sandra," said her mother, "I am tired of rehashing this same topic over and over."