ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 599388

Questions 5
Words augment, extenuating, implement, prominence, rail

Study Guide

The definition for augment is "To make greater." Used in a sentence: Wanda read the dictionary every night to augment her vocabulary.
The definition for extenuating is "Partially excusing." Used in a sentence: The extenuating circumstance of Calvin's illness caused the teacher to excuse his lateness.
The definition for implement is "To carry out or accomplish." Used in a sentence: All Randolph needed to implement his plan was a moonless night and a long rope.
The definition for prominence is "Importance." Used in a sentence: The singer's prominence ensured that the concert would sell out.
The definition for rail is "To scold in harsh language." Used in a sentence: Clay began to cry as his irate manager railed at him for missing the deadline.