ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 691220

Questions 5
Words absolve, corrosive, elate, gargantuan, promote

Study Guide

The definition for absolve is "To forgive; to free from guilt." Used in a sentence: Marta felt greatly relieved after her mother absolved her for breaking the vase.
The definition for corrosive is "Bitingly sarcastic." Used in a sentence: The cruel Estella's corrosive comments made Pip cry.
The definition for elate is "To fill with joy." Used in a sentence: It elated Margaret to be awarded first place in the science fair.
The definition for gargantuan is "Gigantic." Used in a sentence: The gargantuan monster towered over the ten–story bulding.
The definition for promote is "To contribute to the growth or prosperity of." Used in a sentence: The promote peace, the diplomat hosted a talk between the warring nations.