ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 277720

Questions 5
Words apathetic, avian, buffer, extenuating, redouble

Study Guide

The definition for apathetic is "Showing little or no emotion." Used in a sentence: Carmine was concerned about his usually cheerful brother's apathetic attitude.
The definition for avian is "Relating to birds." Used in a sentence: The old man affectionately referred to pigeons as his "avian friends."
The definition for buffer is "Protective barrier." Used in a sentence: The dense trees acted as a buffer against the heavy rain.
The definition for extenuating is "Partially excusing." Used in a sentence: The extenuating circumstance of Calvin's illness caused the teacher to excuse his lateness.
The definition for redouble is "To make twice as great." Used in a sentence: As the sun began to set, Brittany redoubled her effort to find the necklace she had dropped in the field.