ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 689852

Questions 5
Words discern, drub, fraud, insolence, polarize

Study Guide

The definition for discern is "To recognize as separate as distinct." Used in a sentence: The pastry connoisseur was able to discern Swiss from Belgian chocolate.
The definition for drub is "To defeat decisively." Used in a sentence: The powerful young boxer drubbed the longtime champion.
The definition for fraud is "Trick." Used in a sentence: The con man's fraud involved selling swampland to gullible investors.
The definition for insolence is "Boldness or rudeness." Used in a sentence: The boy's insolence to the policeman embarrassed his mother.
The definition for polarize is "To break up into opposing groups." Used in a sentence: Thelma tended to polarize discussions rather than to encourage compromise.