ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 876131

Questions 5
Words accessible, epitaph, interminable, polarize, retroactive

Study Guide

The definition for accessible is "Easy to reach or to approach." Used in a sentence: The introduction to the complex novel was, thankfully, written in clear accessible language.
The definition for epitaph is "Brief statement honoring a dead person." Used in a sentence: "Beloved by all,"" was the epitaph Edgar chose for his wife's tombstone.
The definition for interminable is "Never ending, or seemingly endless." Used in a sentence: The impatient Zoe found the longwinded lecture interminable.
The definition for polarize is "To break up into opposing groups." Used in a sentence: Thelma tended to polarize discussions rather than to encourage compromise.
The definition for retroactive is "effective as of a prior time or condition." Used in a sentence: The retroactive law made even past infractions punishable.