ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 478997

Questions 5
Words equitable, incumbent, opportune, stealth, untenable

Study Guide

The definition for equitable is "Fair and equal." Used in a sentence: The judge made an equitable decision dividing the estate evenly among the sisters.
The definition for incumbent is "Necessary as a duty or responsibility." Used in a sentence: It was incumbent on Jack to attend his father's retirement party.
The definition for opportune is "Suitable or convenient." Used in a sentence: Quan stepped onto the platform at the most opportune time, just as the train pulled in.
The definition for stealth is "The act of moving secretly or unnoticed." Used in a sentence: The burglar took the ring by stealth, slipping it from the sleeping woman's finger.
The definition for untenable is "Not able to be defended." Used in a sentence: Rashid made the untenable statement that George Washington was the second president of the United States.