ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 850013

Questions 5
Words appraise, benefactor, diffident, negate, solace

Study Guide

The definition for appraise is "To evaluate the worth of." Used in a sentence: Simone, an expert in African sculpture, was asked to appraise the ambassador's collection of masks.
The definition for benefactor is "One who offers financial help." Used in a sentence: Michael's aunt and benefactor paid his college tuition.
The definition for diffident is "Lacking self–confidence." Used in a sentence: The diffident student never raised her hand in class, even when she knew the answer.
The definition for negate is "To make invalid." Used in a sentence: Paula negated Tiffany's argument by proving that her main premise was false.
The definition for solace is "Source of consolation." Used in a sentence: Parents' weekend was a solace to Marjorie, whose beloved daughter had left for college.