ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 241698

Questions 5
Words aerate, appalling, belated, clairvoyance, eloquent

Study Guide

The definition for aerate is "To supply with air." Used in a sentence: Every spring, Soloman used his tiller to aerate the compact soil.
The definition for appalling is "Inspiring dismay or disgust." Used in a sentence: Hector found his roommate's habit of leaving his dirty socks on the floor appalling.
The definition for belated is "Past the normal or proper time." Used in a sentence: Even though I forgot his birthday, I hoe my father accepts my belated card.
The definition for clairvoyance is "Ability to see things beyond ordinary perception." Used in a sentence: Rosa used her clairvoyance to help Alexander find his lost keys.
The definition for eloquent is "Fluent, expressive." Used in a sentence: Kim, an eloquent speaker, was the best choice to make the presentation for the group.