ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 347832

Questions 5
Words buffer, retroactive, revive, salvage, solace

Study Guide

The definition for buffer is "Protective barrier." Used in a sentence: The dense trees acted as a buffer against the heavy rain.
The definition for retroactive is "effective as of a prior time or condition." Used in a sentence: The retroactive law made even past infractions punishable.
The definition for revive is "To bring back to life." Used in a sentence: Hank tried to revive Clare's interest in the project, but her enthusiasm had expired.
The definition for salvage is "To save from ruin." Used in a sentence: After the fire, Mrs. Han tried to salvage her family photos from the wreckage.
The definition for solace is "Source of consolation." Used in a sentence: Parents' weekend was a solace to Marjorie, whose beloved daughter had left for college.