ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 403030

Questions 5
Words absolve, curtail, frugal, incumbent, ramble

Study Guide

The definition for absolve is "To forgive; to free from guilt." Used in a sentence: Marta felt greatly relieved after her mother absolved her for breaking the vase.
The definition for curtail is "To make less." Used in a sentence: Doreen decided to curtail her spending after she bounced a check.
The definition for frugal is "Thrifty, cheap." Used in a sentence: The frugal shopper only bought items that were on sale.
The definition for incumbent is "Necessary as a duty or responsibility." Used in a sentence: It was incumbent on Jack to attend his father's retirement party.
The definition for ramble is "To wander, physically or in language." Used in a sentence: Professor Tan rambled during his lectures, frequently straying from the subject.