ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 144985

Questions 5
Words compulsion, conduit, obnoxious, scamper, sociable

Study Guide

The definition for compulsion is "An irresistible impulse." Used in a sentence: Tamar, a shoe fanatic, could not resist the compulsion to buy the shiny red boots.
The definition for conduit is "Means for transmitting or distributing." Used in a sentence: Jason, a notorious gossip, was a conduit for information about his friends.
The definition for obnoxious is "Highly offensive." Used in a sentence: The manager asked the obnoxious diner to leave the restaurant.
The definition for scamper is "To run quickly." Used in a sentence: The frightened kitten scampered away from the butterfly.
The definition for sociable is "Inclined to seek companionship." Used in a sentence: The sociable Glenda was delighted to receive the party invitation.