ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 922029

Questions 5
Words dubious, garish, implement, insinuate, sociable

Study Guide

The definition for dubious is "Questionable." Used in a sentence: Karl found Kevin's claim that he was sick dubious, as he had just seen him playing football.
The definition for garish is "Offensively bright." Used in a sentence: The garish wallpaper offended Jerome, who preferred subtle colors.
The definition for implement is "To carry out or accomplish." Used in a sentence: All Randolph needed to implement his plan was a moonless night and a long rope.
The definition for insinuate is "To suggest indirectly." Used in a sentence: Sinead, who did not like confrontation, insinuated that Beth was lying.
The definition for sociable is "Inclined to seek companionship." Used in a sentence: The sociable Glenda was delighted to receive the party invitation.