ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 328611

Questions 5
Words accommodate, corrective, epistolary, exalt, repentant

Study Guide

The definition for accommodate is "To give consideration to." Used in a sentence: The hospitable couple was happy to accommodate the needs of their finicky guest.
The definition for corrective is "Intended to correct." Used in a sentence: The school decided to take corrective measures to prevent truancy.
The definition for epistolary is "Contained or carried on in letters." Used in a sentence: The shoebox filled with letters was the ony remains of Ming's epistolary friendship with Emile.
The definition for exalt is "To elevate by praise." Used in a sentence: The fireman was publicly exalted for his heroism.
The definition for repentant is "Feeling regret." Used in a sentence: The repentant Dana admitted to cheating on the test.