ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 109707

Questions 5
Words demeanor, insinuate, pathos, regurgitate, rehash

Study Guide

The definition for demeanor is "Behavior towards others." Used in a sentence: Carlos was well liked because of his charming demeanor.
The definition for insinuate is "To suggest indirectly." Used in a sentence: Sinead, who did not like confrontation, insinuated that Beth was lying.
The definition for pathos is "Sympathetic pity." Used in a sentence: The soldiers cherished the kindly Nurse Nightingale for her pathos.
The definition for regurgitate is "To pour out or throw back." Used in a sentence: The teacher wanted us to examine ideas rather than to regurgitate memorized facts.
The definition for rehash is "To discuss again." Used in a sentence: "Sandra," said her mother, "I am tired of rehashing this same topic over and over."